Myths of 1099 Employment

Superb Shifts was founded on the concept of putting control back into the hands of healthcare workers and Senior Living Communities.  At Superb, we want to see everyone win! We are advocates for transparency in staffing, ensuring clarity on matters ranging from pay rates, to scheduling requirements, to what it truly means to be a 1099 contractor on our app.

By embracing this concept, Superb Shifts has empowered healthcare professionals to reclaim control over their lives and careers.

Through the flexibility of being a 1099 contractor with Superb, CNAs, CMAs, LPNs, and RNs are no longer confined to rigid schedules or obligations. Instead, they have the autonomy to craft a work-life balance that suits their individual needs and preferences. 

Recently, there has been an increase in fear tactics being used in regard to 1099 employment.  Superb wants to be sure to educate, advocate and empower healthcare workers by sharing the facts and how 1099 work stacks up against traditional W-2 employment.

Pro's to work as a 1099 Independent Contractor

Working as an independent contractor indeed offers a plethora of advantages, making it an enticing career choice for many. Let's break down these benefits:

  • Independence: As an independent contractor, you have a significant level of autonomy. You are not micromanaged by a supervisor, allowing you to execute tasks in your preferred manner and explore your full potential without restrictions.

  • Flexible Work Hours: The rigid 9-5 schedule is a thing of the past for independent contractors. You have the liberty to organize your work hours according to your personal preferences and peak productivity times. This flexibility enables you to achieve a better work-life balance and accommodate other commitments more seamlessly.

  • Work-Life Balance: Achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life is essential for overall well-being. Independent contractors have the advantage of managing their time efficiently, reducing stress levels, and prioritizing self-care without the constraints of traditional employment structures.

  • Opportunity to Earn More: The freedom to select rates and pursue multiple projects simultaneously empowers independent contractors to maximize their earning potential. By leveraging their skills and expertise, they can command higher compensation and capitalize on lucrative opportunities in their respective fields.

Overall, the lifestyle afforded by independent contracting offers a blend of autonomy, flexibility, and financial rewards, making it an attractive career path for those seeking greater control over their professional endeavors.

Cons to "Traditional Employment" W2

Indeed, traditional employment arrangements come with their own set of limitations and challenges, which can sometimes overshadow the benefits. Let's delve into these aspects:

  • Lack of Freedom: In a traditional employment setup, employees often find themselves bound by the directives of their superiors. Even if they possess the skills and knowledge to execute tasks efficiently, they must adhere to the instructions provided by their managers. This lack of autonomy can be frustrating, especially when dealing with micro-managers who scrutinize every aspect of their work.

  • Fixed Work Schedule: Unlike independent contractors, employees are typically obligated to adhere to a fixed work schedule, which may not align with their preferred hours or personal commitments. Break times are regimented, and leaving the office for personal reasons may not be feasible without prior approval. Such rigidity can impede productivity and disrupt work-life balance.

  • Subject to Changes: Employees may experience job role alterations or department transfers at the discretion of their employers, often without much say in the matter. This uncertainty can be unsettling, particularly if they've grown accustomed to their team and work environment. Adapting to new roles or environments can also be stressful and disruptive.

  • Salary Discrepancies: Despite possessing valuable skills and qualifications, employees may find themselves constrained by fixed salary structures. Additional responsibilities or efforts may not be reflected in their compensation, leading to feelings of underappreciation and frustration. Opportunities for salary increases or bonuses may be limited, contributing to dissatisfaction with their financial situation.

  • Burnout and Wasted Potential: The monotony of a regular job coupled with limited opportunities for growth and skill development can contribute to burnout and feelings of stagnation. Employees may become disengaged and lose motivation to pursue advancement or explore their full potential. Without avenues for professional development, they risk wasting their talents and feeling unfulfilled in their careers.

While some companies prioritize employee development and provide resources for skill enhancement, others may lack the capacity or inclination to do so, leaving employees feeling stagnant and unfulfilled. Ultimately, striking a balance between job security and personal growth is crucial for maintaining job satisfaction and fulfillment in a traditional employment setting.

Superb will continue to hire and advocate for 1099 employment and its benefits for healthcare professionals. Superb has described itself as the mover and shaker of the healthcare industry , committed to giving the power back to those who matter most  - Healthcare workers! 


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