Setting a New Standard with Superb Strict

For Senior living communities across the states, the importance of reliable care can not be overstated. Managing an efficient and dependable staff is the only way to ensure the highest standards for residents. This is why the Superb Shifts innovative staffing app is the best choice for communities. By upholding the “Superb Strict” standard, they are revolutionizing what it means to be reliable in the healthcare industry.

What is Superb Strict? Beyond being a catchy slogan for the company, it is a commitment to excellence. Through a large variety of onboarding guidelines, Superb can ensure quality care for all residents. This is achieved through their 16-step credentialing process.

The Superb Shifts credentialing process covers a wide variety of qualifications, guaranteeing trustworthy CNAs, CMAs, LPNs, and RNs on their app. By completing these qualifications, Superb ensures the safety of communities and trusted care for residents.

Additionally, Superb Shifts has implemented both late fees and no-call no-show fees. One of the most considerable issues senior living communities are facing these days is not only consistent staffing but also returning workers. Turnover rates are and continue to be an ongoing issue in the industry. Superb has curbed this problem by holding healthcare workers accountable through fees if undependable. Superb Shifts has executed Scope Ratings. This feature allows senior living communities to provide feedback and rate the performance of healthcare workers after each shift. Transparency and feedback empower communities to maintain high standards and continuously improve care.

Additionally, the transparency and autonomy that Superb Shifts provides motivates healthcare workers to show up and complete each shift. Because Superb allows the freedom to choose location, date, and rate, healthcare workers are promoted to put their best foot forward every time. Placing control into the hands of not only senior living communities, but healthcare workers alike is what creates the apps high standards of reliability across the board.

Professionalism in this industry is a great concern for communities and workers alike. In a competitive market flooded with staffing agencies, the Superb app distinguishes itself through its advanced platform and unwavering commitment to quality care. Superb Shifts stands tall as a testament to innovation, reliability, and uncompromising excellence in healthcare staffing solutions for senior living communities.


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